LOVES the kitchen supply toys from Grandma & Grandpa Morris.... should have made them from me....
Rock star.
LOVES the Yo Gabba Gabba toys... I knew he would.
Cooking some pineapple. Thanks Grandma & Grandpa Morris for the cookware!
We moved the kitchen into the kitchen so he can cook along side me.
Niko's first time in the snow.
He made it past the brick walk way....
He hated the fact that the snow got in his arms.... total time in the snow.... under 4 minutes. It took longer for us to get him in his snow suit.
We spent Christmas day with the Abuelos... who Niko was happy to see. He got tons of presents from them... including the baby couch he's stepping on in the photo.
We had a great Christmas... even though the snow stopped us from seeing Godfather Mark, Aunt Shelly and the Flooches.
That's too bad you couldn't see everyone you wanted to. We had to move my mom's side of the family Christmas to Sun. rather then today.
With the striped PJs and toy stove, Niko looks like he's in a Dr. Seuss book.
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