Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Look who can pull himself up!

**Warning** Horrible cell phone picture.  Neil sent me this photo this morning.... Niko was standing up looking at him when he went in to get him.  Time to lower the bed... AGAIN!


robyn fabsits said...

HAHA! When Violet figured this out she liked to wake up in the middle of the night and stand up half asleep and then cry because she couldn't get down...yeah, that was only a month ago. I'm pretty sure Niko will walk before Violet.

An Apel a Day said...

Isaak did the same thing, stand up in his sleep!

What a fun accomplishment though!

An Apel a Day said...

We have the same pj's. I bought them when Mica was a baby.

Shelly Storm said...

Oops. I guess that's my mom's fault. Ha.