Notice anything different.... besides the little boy in standing on the sidewalk in only his undies?
We had the red maple in our front yard removed today. The tree was really way too big for that space. I trimmed it way back last fall, but the fact of the matter is that it should have never been planted there to begin with. We were having to walk almost into the yard to get around the tree.
We had all of our trees trimmed today. Most of the ones in the back REALLY needed it. After almost every storm we had limbs down in the backyard. They were in sad shape and needed some love.
It was quite a surprise to actually see the front of our house when I came home this afternoon. It actually makes our house look bigger I think!
It really looks better. I wish our neighbor's would cut some of their trees down! They said all of the ones in their backyard would go when we moved in, but they are all still there. Then they have one that hangs over our driveway, which is fun in the fall. I hate that it's slightly in the lines. Can you tell it annoys me? LOL
It really looks nice.
It looks a lot better.
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