Just picked this beauty up at the frame shop in Michaels. Can't wait to get it back on our mantle.
Some of you know the story behind this poster, some don't. This poster once hung in the poker room of our good friend Sammy Bryan. Sammy was supposed to be Neil's best man at our wedding, but was taken from us unexpectedly a few months before the wedding.
I won this poster in the first annual Sammy Bryan memorial poker tournament. I came in second place and have been meaning to get it professionally framed to hang in our house.
It took me five years to get around to it.... miss you Sammy! (Although I think you would have approved of the gold flashy frame.. nice...)
Niko BEGS for a bath all the time. I have to hide the sales ads right now because they show pools and waterslides. "I wanna play in the wader" (Yes, wader, not water after you add the whine.)
And yes... this is how we dry him off. We have put him in the sink since he was a little baby. This might not be an option for us much longer! :)
Niko has Croup... again. This would be his fourth round of it and his fifth upper airway infection. He's on steroids again for it and hopefully he rebounds quickly! This photo was from last night. He's up and around right now thanks to modern drugs and lots of Popsicles. (Croup irritates the throat so Popsicles and lollipops help.)
Finally got the prints that Do-Da gave to Niko framed this week. They are in Niko's play room with the artwork that Godfather Mark gave him for Christmas. :)
I framed this original artwork by Becky Dreistadt. She had a table at C2E2 in Chicago and I just fell in love with her work. Now I have an original Dreistadt on my wall!
Notice anything different.... besides the little boy in standing on the sidewalk in only his undies?
We had the red maple in our front yard removed today. The tree was really way too big for that space. I trimmed it way back last fall, but the fact of the matter is that it should have never been planted there to begin with. We were having to walk almost into the yard to get around the tree.
We had all of our trees trimmed today. Most of the ones in the back REALLY needed it. After almost every storm we had limbs down in the backyard. They were in sad shape and needed some love.
It was quite a surprise to actually see the front of our house when I came home this afternoon. It actually makes our house look bigger I think!
Niko saved up his pennies to buy me these flowers. They were delivered to my work on Friday afternoon!
Neil surprised me with this gift this morning. I must say when I saw the Sephora bag I was a bit skeptical.... I am not a big makeup girl, but he knows me so well. Look at all that cool Tokidoki stuff - he knows what kinda girl I am... a 12 year old girl!
We have been working on potty training this week. I will admit, I was VERY resistant to getting the stand-alone potty chair for a public room. I am not a fan, but it does seem to be working.... how I hate it when Neil is right!
I was talking with Aunt Shelly about how we hang out with them all the time, but I never take photos while we are jamming. We have actually hung out with them almost every night for the past week. Here we are having taco night... staring at the "golden egg" on the ceiling.
Then it's "Words with Friends" on the iPad time after dinner.