Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Kitchen fun

Time to put away the condiments.

Now let's close the door.

Finally, let's wash the dishes.

The kitchen is still a big hit.  He loves playing with it when I am in the kitchen.  He likes it when you smell his cooking - he will chase you down to smell it.


An Apel a Day said...

What a cutie! Does he have a little apron? You can get one at Hobby Lobby for cheep, or at: http://www.curiouschef.com/

An Apel a Day said...

Melissa and Doug also makes a Sushi Set that Niko might like. It's really cute! A mom just did a review on it:


Kim and Neil said...

It's funny you mention that... I think one of his "aunts and uncles" got that for him for Christmas. (Gooches) We missed our "Friend Christmas" due to the snow...