Niko's big boy furniture was delivered this week. This is what I walked into when I got home. Whew... what a mess.
Night stand (and Matrix)
Niko checking out his new furniture. He was very impressed and thought the Easter Bunny brought his new furniture..... uh, no. Mommy and Daddy bought that for you.
This is what his room looks like now. We still have decorating left to do, but his new room is almost done!
Surprise! Yes... that is what you think it is! We are expecting a little bundle the first week of September. :) We are leaking it here first... then Facebook so it is official. We haven't told Niko that he will have to share his toys soon... yikes.
Niko is officially in his big boy room!!! I just finished putting the "wings" on his bed. We asked him on Friday if he wanted to sleep in his big boy room and he said yes! We were shocked but ready to get him in. He did roll out of bed Saturday night so off to the store today to buy some bed rails.
Look how happy he is in his new big boy bed....
And here he is "sleeping." Next week we are going to get some better furniture for his new room. Sweet! We were aiming to have him in his new room by summer!