This was right after Niko pushed the button to turn on the iced tea maker.
Woah! Look at all that tea!
So exciting!
Niko loves helping in the kitchen so I have been having him help me make tea. I know this sounds like a drab task but the iced tea maker is magical to a 3-year-old! I had no idea how much he would like pushing the button on and then seeing the tea come out.
Daddy had to work all weekend so he missed out on Movie Night at Monica's house. The kids had fun watching movies, eating pizza and popcorn and destroying Monica's house (sorry about that!) We watched Astro Boy and The Parent Trap... good times!
Yes... that is the famed 1 pound Hersey's Chocolate Bar. That was what we got Niko for Valentine's Day and he was in love. He loves chocolate, just ask him. We are bribing him in the mornings with candy when he has a potty-free night. I would say that he is 70% dry and 30% wet since we instituted the bribe. Success!
This is what nerds get each other for Valentine's Day. I bought Monica's old Jetfire for Neil. It's in EXCELLENT condition and he is one happy man.
Neil completed my InuYasha DVD collection and bought me this AWESOME aftermarket iPhone charm bracket. Now I get to use all of my old Japanese charms from my Envy. I can now look like a Harajuku Girl again! Sweet!
Big thanks to Monica for coming over and giving Niko a hair cut. He was looking pretty shaggy. Niko gets his hair cut in his knickers since he hates it when the hair goes down his shirt collar.