Neil and I pulled a late night on Sunday night making these games. We had guests all weekend and couldn't really work on until after Niko went to bed. It's pin the nose on the scarecrow and a version of a counting bean bag game.
Niko was so happy to have mom at school with him. It was pretty cool to see all the fun things they do at school. They sing counting and alphabet songs, then sing a few creation songs. They are also practicing for their Christmas concert.
Playing the bean bag game. I sewed the bags and hand stitched circles onto the bags... they had to match the number of circles with the numerical number on the bowl.
Saying thank you! Eating the treats they won after playing the games.
I half attended-half worked the "Boo" Springs event this weekend in Blue Springs. It was pretty "brisk" at 9:30 a.m.! So... jacket over the costume for Niko-chan.
One thing is for sure.... Niko knows how to Trick-or-Treat. He was shoving the candy in his mouth as soon as he got it.
These are two wonderful ladies that run a boutique in Downtown Blue Springs. Look at those costumes! So fun!
Niko likes his bat and spider rings. We ducked into the local coffee shop to warm up.
It finally warmed up enough to take the jacket off around 11 a.m. or so. And more candy....
The local downtown photography studio had a little scene set up for the kids. Look at him work it!
Mark and Shelly's wedding pictures have come in. They are AWESOME!
I must say, I laughed out loud when I saw that the Baby made it into the wedding lineup. :)
Here is Niko's "best friend" Maryn and I love the bottom photo of Grandma "O" trying to get Niko out of the girls photo frame. Niko wanted to be with Maryn.
Check out the rest of the wedding photos by clicking here!
Neil DJed a wedding for a friend of ours this last weekend. I am just now getting to posting the photos... oops. Sorry for the crappy photos... I only had my cell phone with me and it was really dark.
Niko had a GREAT time at the reception. He's a dancing machine.
Sigh.... as much as I try to deny it.... he's got my personality. He may look a lot like Neil, but he acts just like me.... look at him getting down on the dance floor. He's kinda a flirt with the girls, too!
This is Maryn, Niko's newest "best friend".... but everyone is his best friend now. Maryn was the flower girl in Mark and Shelly's wedding along with Niko.
Old bed... yes. Niko was still sleeping in a full crib at age 3. That's how we roll.
MASSIVE AMOUNT OF TEARS at the change. Niko cried for about 5 full minutes over the change.... maybe we weren't ready for this step. I told him that Ellie sleeps in a big girl bed then he seemed to ease up. (Thanks Monnie!)
Getting ready to have daddy read a bedtime story...
We will see how this goes tonight. This is the first night with a bed he can easily climb out of....
Little man has been working on his courage to get on the roundabout with the big kids. Niko would be the one in the middle with daddy's Mario hat on... I mean Niko's Mario hat... sorry daddy.
The funny thing is that it fits around his head, the bill is the only over-sized part of the hat!