Look at that excitement. Full disclosure, I have had these lights for YEARS. I never could figure out what to do with these since they are so cool, so I figured they would stay in a closet until I had kids. Goal! Niko loves them and HAHHAHAHAH, Neil!!! Our son loves Pokemon!
Neil totally wanted me to toss these lights years ago... I got to prove that I was right about holding on to such a cool Pokemon item. (For like, 8 years.)
Our tomatoes are really starting to come in! And yes... Niko ate ALL of the cherry tomatoes in one sitting. He gets so excited when he gets to pick them. The trick is getting him NOT to pick the orange ones.....
We had a party at the house on Saturday for Godparents Mark & Shelly to celebrate their coming nuptials. I must say... Niko LOVES Mark & Shelly. Look at Mark wiping the floor with Niko... and look at Niko LOVING it.
Hehhehhe.... I forgot I had this on my phone. This is about 7 minutes after leaving the McDonald's drive thru after the waterpark. I love the fact he fell asleep with a death-grip on the Happy Meal box!
On Friday Niko and I went on the first Blue Springs Public Art Crawl. I am part of the Blue Springs Public Art Commission and this was event was part of our 10 year anniversary celebration.
We had a long stop at the Dillingham house, which is part of the Blue Springs Historical Society. The Dillingham house was one of the first houses in Blue Springs. The chair Niko is sitting in is over 100 years old. Niko doing his Sleeping Beauty impression. Just kidding, but this is a real spinning wheel.
Check out those old bikes! Not sure it can hold Niko-chan.... I think kids were smaller then!
I was actually took out this bowl to make hamburgers... but when Niko sees this bowl it can only be for baking. This time it was really for eating batter.
There is a special surprise for someone in the video....
Grandma "O" sent me this picture of Niko. We went to see Aunt Shelly play last weekend at a coffee shop in Midtown. I think this pict is cute and shows how giant Niko's head is (Uncle Donnie.)
BTW - Happy Birthday Uncle Donnie!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
**crapy cell phone picts ahead!** We went to Zona Rosa last night with Mark & Shelly. Niko really liked the frog prince water fountain. The frog fountains spit the water from the different pools and Niko thought it was the coolest thing ever.
That is until he got splashed by one. The last photo is Niko showing me his splashed shirt. After I looked at it, he went right back to watching the water like nothing happened. :)
I probably have too much stuff in this small garden... I will have to reassess this next year. I am thinking about tearing out some of the bushes along the side of the house and expanding the garden for next year....
It was a hot one this weekend so we went to the Blue Springs waterpark. Niko had a great time! The Centennial Pool-Plex has a kiddie pool area and a regular pool. We spent time at both. Yes, Niko sat in the lawn chair like this on his own.
Tis the season I guess. I didn't even touch it this year!!! A friend of mine said that poison ivy has a vapor/spore season and I might have caught it from that. I have it on my arm, torso and face. Yay.