Welcome to "Niko's Garden!" It used to be known as the weed box on the south side of the house.... let's see how well we do with it. We have 3 tomato plants, two red bell pepper plants and one cucumber plant. Niko LOVED helping me turn the dirt and install the new plants.
After MANY hours of work... the backyard is ready to enjoy! :) I spent sometime on the hammock this afternoon.... nice.
A bit THANK YOU to Grandma and Grandpa "O" for their Easter Basket to Niko!
He likes playing with the "Niko Egg" as he calls it. It's pretty cute because he uses it as a mask to play with. He points to the bunny rabbit drawing on the back and tells me it's the Easter Bunny.
This story starts with me having a Popsicle and Niko having his own Popsicle. Then he wanted my flavor instead of his, so we switched. Then he wanted both of them....
And I think this is the last time he will be wearing that Cubs shirt... pretty snug... too many Popsicles.
We actually bought these shoes when we were in Florida for the holidays. They are still WAY TOO BIG, but Niko insists on wearing them. They are super cute! We got them on clearance at the outlet mall....
Yesterday was picture day at Niko's school. I didn't know what daddy put him in until I picked him up in the afternoon. I laughed because Niko was dressed as a daddy mini-me. If you know Neil, you know he always wears polo shirts to work.
I asked Niko how he smiled for his picture... yikes.
Godfather Mark and Aunt Shelly came over on Sunday night for a cook-out. Mark brought his iPad 2 over and Niko is in LOVE. Here he is playing Angry Birds.... he loves it when the birds explode.
This picture is for my mom. Here I am using my new "Rice-a-Roni" pot! It's an acquired taste, but Morris chefs are known for our gourmet "Rice-a-Roni" and creamed corn delicacy.....
Niko officially has his first skinned knee. We were working in the yard and someone fell down on the driveway... tragedy.
He is fine, of course. He will tell you all about this horrible event if you ask him about it. "Boo-boo. I got it outside." Then you have to kiss it to make it better....
Then off to play with the matryoshka dolls that Uncle Donnie gave us.
On Friday, Niko and a few friends went to the Crossroads Arts District to enjoy First Fridays. It was FINALLY nice out so we decided to take in some art shows.
We met up with some some of my former KCMO colleges.