Sunday is laundry day at our house. I start off with a pile in the office then separate them into color coordinated plies to wash. That can be challenging when someone likes a big pile to jump in.
So I made a Laksa last night and Niko was not impressed. Laksa is a spicy noodle dish that "Grandma O" makes for us and apparently, Niko is not a fan of my rendition. My version is a pre-packaged Singapore version that I got at 888 International Market in Overland Park. It's not as good as "Grandma O's," but it's not bad considering I don't know what I'm doing!
Here he is smelling my dish, telling me it stinks and then laughing about it! Such a hater.....
Neil snapped this off on Sunday. I didn't know he took this until tonight. Niko and I grabbed a few Zzzs on a lazy Sunday. Actually, it kinda looks like a gas leak, but it was nice to snuggle with my little man.
As I have mentioned before, Niko is obsessed with cooking. Here he is in his little apron helping mommy. He actually did a really good job! (Considering he's only 2.)
Cupcakes for school.
Can you guess which ones Niko did?
Yea... you saw this coming....
That is Niko's cupcake. Have fun eating that, Daddy!
Little man is VERY sick. He is having an asthmatic response to an upper respiratory infection. He also has another ear infection and a fever. I swear he knows that juice is laced with the prescription medicine. I have been trying to get him to drink it all afternoon.
We have had to use the rescue inhaler three times today. Pretty spooky since I have never really had to do this sort of thing before.
The doctor won't be able to tell us if this is going to turn into juvenile asthma until the Spring. She hopes this is a one time thing and not permanent. We won't know for a few months.
After a brief break from Toy Story, it's back into heavy rotation at our house. It's pretty funny to watch him watch Toy Story. He acts out the whole movie during the movie.
Neil and I always joke about Niko getting habits from each others family. One thing I can't deny... Niko gets his love of pizza from my side. We drive by a Papa Murphy's on the way home every night and I have considered changing the route recently....
Niko is OBSESSED with cooking. He whines for it, he cries for it and down right begs to help me cook. His favorite thing is to crack the egg. I have to watch him if I have the refrigerator door open because he will help himself to the eggs.
Needless to say, we have plenty of cookies at the house right now. I picked up a super-cute set of kids cookware at Target a month or so ago. Niko is using the giraffe-shaped whisk from it in the photo.