Niko has been sick for the last week or so, but on Thursday night he threw up all over his bedding and (oh no!) the precious baby. If you know my son at all, you know that the baby is everything to him.
We had to give the baby a wash before we could give him back to Niko. It was the longest 2 hours of our lives. It was really, really sad/funny to watch him try to get to the baby. He tried to open the doors, but he wasn't strong enough to open the door.
He sat down and cried himself to sleep on my lap as we watched the baby spin around in the washer.
Yet another Craigslist find! Lego does not make these anymore and I have been looking on eBay, but I am too cheap to pay their price for it. I found it yesterday for $10! Yay!
Niko loves playing with his Legos on the table and lookie there... he also loves Spiderman! Sweet!
I took Niko to the doctor's office yesterday and he was much sicker than we thought. I honestly thought he just had a cold until he woke up from a nap on Wednesday with a puffy eye. I made the doctor's appointment for the puffy eye more than anything - I thought he was getting pink eye.
Turns out he has a double ear and eye infection and she tested him for pneumonia! He didn't have pneumonia, but I was shocked that she was even concerned about it. It was really amazing since he was acting sick, but not THAT sick! Poor little man!
He's on medicine for the next week and hopefully he will start feeling better in a day or so.
We are not feeling well today. This is the bad side about a new school/childcare facility... new germs. Looks like we will be braving Snowmaggedon to see if the doctor can see us tomorrow.
I won't lie.... I love seeing his little cube with his name!
And again with the Legos.... (Maybe he has more in common with Uncle Donnie than just his giant square-shaped head.)
Niko is starting to get used to school. Neil had a hard time dropping him off last week, lots of tears. This week has been much better - he's starting to get into the grove!
Auntie Alyssa gave Niko these Yo Gabba Gabba bath toys to Niko for Christmas. They are pretty cool! :)
Yes, Niko gets his hair done after every bath while he sits in the unused sink in our bathroom. He used to fit pretty nicely inside the sink... not so much any more!
This is Niko's new school. Yes! Niko is going to school now, well... "school." (As much school as a 2-year-old can go to.) We enrolled in a Christian School and is first day was yesterday. So far so good... for only two days that is...
He likes the water fountain the best...
This is the playroom. The photo is blurry because Neil took it really quickly before Niko notice he was gone.