Niko got a GIANT Patrick from Mark & Shelly for Christmas. If you know Niko, you know that he loves SpongeBob. Patrick is actually kinda like a stiff bean bag toy.
After a few failed attempts to use Patrick as a landing pillow (doesn't absorb the impact) Niko has decided he's a good seat.
And.... we have a Christmas injury. Yes... as Niko was SHOVELING candy canes into his mouth, one splintered out of his mouth as he chewed. Mind you, he did not stop eating the candy canes, he just kinda whimpered as he kept shoving more candy into his mouth. It was really hard to feel sorry for him as he was crying for hugs with a mouth full of candy cane.
WOW! Presents! (BTW, this is the way Niko comes down the stairs every morning. Arm full of stuffed animals and the blanket. His LSU blanket I made him before he was born!)
Green Goblin! Santa learned a while back that you must have bad guys. If you don't have bad guys, Spiderman starts attacking the cats and/or furniture in lieu of a wrong to set right.
The Batcave! Not like a girl play house at all.... it's grey afterall! :)
Niko pointing out the fact that Santa put candycanes on the trees.
Wow! Spiderman in my stocking!
Candy and Angry Birds.... what more could you want!
This is definatley one of Niko's faves. It's the original Angry Birds real-life game.... before Mattel bought the franchise and turned the game into a cheap garbage version of the game.
Niko's other favorite present... the Batcave. Sweet.
Neil's Christmas present.... Rodimus Convoy (or Prime depending on what country you are in.) He loves it... even though some would say that he killed Optimus Prime. But that's a different kind of blog.
Woah!!!! Batman toy - how did you know? Thank you so much Do-Da and Grandpa! We gave it to him tonight so it doesn't get mixed in with all the Santa toys.... would hate to steal the Do-Da/Grandpa thunder.
Mark flies Niko-chan around by his pants. Yea.... not sure if I will get any grandkids from Niko-chan.
Niko loves it when Mark and Shelly come over. I told him that they were coming over and he told me he was going to fight Mark. What really happens is that Mark throws Niko around until he is too tired to lift him anymore. Of course it doesn't help that Niko gets heavier and heavier every day!
I am hoping this YouTube embed works.... looks like it almost cuts him off. Click here to view the original video.
Niko-chan is on the far right... the one that spaces off half-way through the concert and just wants to wave at me. Niko is the youngest kid in his class - they let him into the preschool class because his birthday was close to the cut-off date and he's potty-trained.
I love working with an awesome Parks & Recreation Department that does fun community things! You mail a letter to the "Elves at Vesper Hall" and participants in our 50+ Community Center write letters back to kids for Santa. So cool! :)
From back here you can't tell how nerdy my tree is. The tree has mommy ornaments on the top and Niko ornaments on the bottom. The globes are made of plastic so no worries there.