I'm ready to go! NOW! I really didn't think we would be trick or treating this year. I thought he was still too little... I was WAY wrong. He got the idea right away.... dress up = candy.
Some of the haul.
Neil and I went to a costume party at Mark & Shelly's place on Saturday night. We went as Jersey Shore characters Snooki and The Situation. Neil DJed and we had a blast!
I took a rare solo trip to visit my brother in Houston over the weekend. We went to San Antonio because there isn't much to do in Houston. We did the Mission Trail which included all the missions and the Alamo.
I had a great time! It was great seeing everyone again and thanks for being great hosts Donnie & Lacie!
Tucker, Tanner and Myla. Niko goes to daycare with all 3 of these kids!
This is what Niko REALLY wanted to do instead of the wedding. The wedding was in a park and all he did was whine to play on the slide. ARrrgg...
Angela and Jared - Mr. & Mrs. Farmer now! Angela runs the daycare that Niko attends. Jared has helped us out around the house SEVERAL times! :)
Niko and Myla watching Toy Story clips on YouTube via my phone. What a Lifesaver!
Niko wanted to hang out with Angela all night and he couldn't understand why he couldn't. It was VERY challenging trying to keep him from running up to her during the solo dances. This is him dancing the dollar dance with her. He loves her for sure!
Hanging with daddy and the Abluela in a boat by the lake.
Family portrait.
We went to Carolyn's Pumpkin Patch today with the Abuelos and Godfather Mark and Godmother Shelly. It was a BEAUTIFUL day outside and Niko had a blast running around like a crazy man. We will definitely go back next year - there were tons of playground and events for small kids to do. I would highly recommend it to anyone with small kids!
We had quite a few weeds poking through the rocks along our walkway. We removed all of the rocks and put down new weed shield... this was as much fun as it looks.
We need more rock, but it looks MUCH better! New lights and no weeds.
Old and new...
Old and new...
This is how we spent our 4 year anniversary... hard labor in the yard. What a difference the new lights made! Only 2 of the 7 old lights actually worked and we now have 15 working lights. They are led lights and use a fraction of the power. We will be adding some new lights on the side and along the patio in the spring.
I bought Niko's costume this year off Craigslist. I couldn't even make it for what I bought it for. She bought the costume at the Disney Story for $50 - I paid $20. I wanted to make the costume for him, but I could NOT find the shirt fabric anywhere.
If you can see it, Niko is riding his horse, Bullseye. I almost fell over laughing it was so cute/funny when he "rode" into the kitchen!