You knew this was just a matter of time. I know that Niko and Pikachu will be great friends. Niko is already giving Pikachu kisses. Actually... he's trying to eat him, but I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding.
We have been an unhappy camper lately. It looks like we hit the next growth spurt a bit early. According to the Wonder Weeks (a fantastic development book) we are showing all the signs of the 19 week development stage. According to the book, this can last 2-5 weeks. Groan.
Ohhhh... presents! He sort of got the idea of unwrapping.
This was our Christmas present. All we wanted for Christmas last year was to be pregnant. We found out that I was pregnant last year three days before Christmas.
Wow, Dad. Can I play with that Transformer?
Friends of the family got Niko this Star from Super Mario Brothers... now he is invincible.
Neil's cousin from Japan, Jose, sent Niko this Totoro pillow and a calendar. So kawaii!!! (Cute in Japanese)
Today we had our Christmas with our friends. Niko racked up some great new toys. Here he is with a tachikoma toy from Ghost in the Shell. He likes trying to eat the tachikoma's nose.
All Niko wants to do is roll over. As soon as you put him down he's ready to roll. He can't figure out what to do once he finishes rolling over to his stomach. He grunts and groans then eventually cries when he is left on his belly to long. We will see how long it takes for him to roll the other way.
I am so glad that Niko is still in his infant carrier for winter. Look how happy he is all bundled up. He has a fuzzy pad that he lays on to keep his back side warm too.
This is Niko at the end of his first roll-over! So exciting!! I yelled for Neil when Niko first started rolling. Neil flew down the stairs to see what was wrong - only to see Niko on his belly and me clapping. Nothing was wrong - I just didn't want him to miss it! :)
Niko loves waving his legs up in the air all day long. He's got the quarter-turn roll figured out - I'm waiting for the full roll any day now. No more laying him on the couch - too scary.
He also said "Goodbye" to all of his 3 month clothes today. The outfit he has on in the photo is a 6 month outfit and it fits him just fine. 14 weeks = 6 month clothes.
Niko's feet don't stop for anyone. Lately he has really been giving them a workout. It's so cute to see him curling his toes and "clapping" his feet together.
Niko and I brought home a lovely present from Chicago - Uncle Donnie's cold. His worst day was Monday - he seems to be feeling much better today. I seem to be getting worse - but I'm making some good antibodies for Niko so it's worth it.
This is an adorable version of the old "snot bulb". Niko does NOT enjoy having this done, but it makes a big difference.